ISBN number, Copyright, Illustration, General Layout, Marketing, Printing….not to mention actually creating a product that will get itself into a bookstore and then sell.
Give me a reason not to do this-
Well, Bea, do you have the funding for all of this? Think about the time and stress…perhaps the emotion of failure…
Just say your book does survive the prodding and poking that comes with the territory of public exposure, what if it doesn’t sell? Maybe it’s not good enough, Maybe you just don’t know what you want to do with you life…are you bored? Is this all an insane way just to fill time? Oh, are you a person who craves drama?
How about we just stop right there.
I could say I’ve thought about everything of the above, more than once…more than I should have to. But, if I’m honest, they’ve been light ‘ifs’ that have soon passed just like a cloud in the Pacific Ocean on a hot, relentless day.
Think of a dream. No, not a, ‘I wanna win the lottery so blow your candles out and make a wish’, kind of dream. A goal that you see yourself reaching in the, not too distant, future.
In fact, scratch that. You get the point. In less than a paragraph- I’m excited.
If you read my previous scribble ‘That first baby step’ you know this is all brand new to me, not to mention I’ve opened up Facebook pages and twitter accounts on behalf of myself and Tribal Heart. It doesn’t seem like much, except I sat in my dinning room all day yesterday reading books and internet sites on Self Publishing.
I already feel like a pro!
So someone give me a reason to blow out my own fire, trust me, it won’t be too hard- a few accounts on social networking sites can easily be deleted.
Hold on though. My book is sitting there, printed out opposite me just calling to be read (by someone other than me, that is) and bound together with a lovely picture on the front.
My ideas, too, are nibbling away at the reality associated thinking leaving only story lines and fresh-faced characters.
To me, this is all I want to do. So even if I have to try this, fail, and keep trying, there’s no way in hell I’m giving up. In fact, I’ve succeeded already by setting myself with a goal that is, without an agent and publisher, rather far fetched for a nineteen year old.
Right, now getting back to the mission at hand- Proof reading, printing, illustrations.
Payday= Monday. That’s when the ball gets rolling. All I can really think of at this moment is to get as many supporters as my words will get me.
So as soon as this blog is posted and I’ve attached the link to Twitter and Facebook, I’ll get my ass back here and post a little bit of my book and what it’s about.
Because, regardless of weather I’m ridiculously nervous, the book is what this is all about…
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